First Day at School

Yesterday, 26th September was my first day at school in Malaysia after three years study in Saudi Arabia. The school's name is SK Bukit Kemuning (2) Shah Alam. I went to the 5L class (Liparis) and my brother's went to 2A class (Aranda). The school started at 7:30am. The school is great.  I have met new friends and they are very friendly and always helping me.


  1. Kite nye skolah start at 12 : 30. Tapi kene sampai pukul 11.30

  2. hi, awk tak add lagi post kat awk nyer blog ni? tak best tau. tak dapat bace banyak2. Sarah Hana dah balik malaysia ke belum?

  3. Sorry lama tak update blog sebab kita busy....ada exam. Balik petang malas nak buka laptop. Anyway ada masa kita update cerita baru.


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