Last day of school

Last week on Monday, june13, was the last day of school for me in Y.I.S(Yanbu International School). For some people it's not their last day of school, because they're going to be in Y.I.S after the 3 months of holiday, but not for me :( .I really miss my friends and teachers so much. Two days before the end of the school, my class and I had an exchange party. It was the greatest party! I got a gift from my friend name Keshini. It is a purse. I really like the gift. My best friend name Sarah got a jean and a diary. Yea, I know what u ( the reader) gonna ask. "Does she(Sarah) fit the jean?"
Ya, maybe, because when I look at the jean its look like it's fit. :D. One day after the exchange party my class and some other class had a pizza party. The teachers bring us pizza and we all ate it together. The pizza was very delicious, but I ate only one. :P


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