Hari Raya At Madinah

Last 4 days my family and I went to Madinah. First we went to our hotel, my father already book a room for us. We arrive at Madinah at about 1:30. When it is azan my parents pray at the mosque. My brothers and I stay at the hotel. After praying mahgrib we went to eat at the Indonesian restaurant.  When we want to pray terawih at Masjid Nabawi, there was big jam. So we went to pray at Masjid Quba' there is a jam, too. We went to Masjid Qiblatain and there is jam, too. We don't know what to do, so we went to Jarir Bookstore beside Masjid qiblatain. And then we went to eat at Swiss house. Next day was the last day of Ramadhan. Which is actually yesterday. We break our fast at the KFC and then we buy some stuff and the mall. And then we went back to our hotel. Today is Eid Fitri . And I'm so happy. We went to the mosque at 4:00. And then we wait until 6:00 to pray Eid Fitri. After fnishing praying we went to visit makam nabi. And then we went back to our hotel and we ate Indomie. After that we're going to Masjid Quba'. And then we're going back home at yanbu.


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