
Showing posts from 2020

Productive weekend + Birthday celebration

Bagan Lalang@Sepang Bagan Lalang is a familiar word if you realise, I have made a post about me going to Bagan Lalang few years ago with my cousins and guess who went there again, yup, it is us again plus others too woohoo!  My cousins' family belah ayah, even masing-masing duduk dekat tapi kitorang ni jarang sangat pergi somewhere and spend time together so, my father decide how about we went for a small picnic and BBQ at a beach. that's how we decided going to BL (sebab senang and dekat). We went there separately thus our family went first to "cop" tempat dulu 😂 it was so early we depart exactly at 7 am fuhh sebab  nak cop ada satu port ni dia macam privacy sikit lah jauh dari tempat yg biasa orang picnic HOWEVER, sadly it is tempat tu dah milik orang, terpaksa lah cari tempat yang sesuai and Alhamdulillah ada lah jugak even open sikit.  Before that, what's with the birthday celebration? sebenarnya today   which is the 25th August is my father's birthday (H...

Hi Hello

WaRNinG!  I know this will be extremely awkward when you guys baca blog ni sebab kebanyakannya I bukan cerita benda ilmiah sangat pun😂 mostly my random rants about life, anything yang I rasa nak story my feelings and pengalaman tu supaya one day bila baca balik haha ouh gituh ke dolu-dolu acewahh. of course it can be anything, sad things, happy things, bitter sweet-sour of life. experiences are gold ya know. kononnya nak buat lah satu entry untuk perkenalkan diri, manalah tahu ada yang tak kenal BUT rasanya yang akan terdetik untuk singgah blog ni, you guys mestilah dah kenal kannn hehehe. thank you so much sebab rajin bukak blog ni 😂 walaupun banyak benda merepek, but I appreciate the efforts. so tak perlu eh nak kenalkan diri ni, you oredi know ah. ✌👀

random thoughts

If I were given a pen and paper and asked to jot down anything that’s on my mind, no one can predict what the story could be like, not even me could predict which direction it will flow. Random thoughts are just nice but once it piles up then you know its time to sort it out because it is actually hurt at some point. One time I could be thinking about the sky and the other time I could be thinking about the earth. I always thought that it could be outstanding to have such thoughts but then if you kept holding it to yourself it could leave you scars. Like you thought it’s gonna be okay, it’s gonna be fine but you’re not. Bila hati terlalu resah tapi hanya mampu simpan tak terkata, takpe aku kuat, aku boleh, boleh. Tapi tetap akan rasa lemah bilamana mengadap tuhan. Hati kecil meronta-ronta menjerit ya Allah aku sebenarnya insan yang sangat lemah dan kerdil. Aku tak mampu nak bergerak melangkah dengan hati yang berat ni, tak mampu untuk menampung kesedihan ini seorang diri. That’s when y...

Reality to be Experienced

Masih terasa kehangatan sehari sebelum nak mula LI hahaha, Ya Allah dia punya tahap berdebor tu hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu. idk why tapi rasa takut dan gementar tu kuat sangat sampai ketar-ketar tangan and memang air mata mencurah tak terhenti 😂 bila teringat je esok nak start LI dkt company yg besar tanpa ada kawan sebab memang apply sorang jek, haa mula lah fikir bukan-bukan itulah inilah, but little did I know harini sudah pun masuk hari ketiga :") yeay? well, to be honest still rasa takut and a bit awkward sebab masih berseorangan tak dapat buat kawan lagi 😅 yeah realitinya this is who I am, tak reti socialize, malu tak bertempat, nak cakap pun macam tanak keluar suara 😖 but alhamdulillah even rasa sendu kit tapi my sv is very baik 😭 setakat ni takde lagi heavy works, tapi dia selalu cakap kalau tak tahu tanya je dia, nanti dia akan bantu mana yang boleh, but she is a very busy person 😮 My place for intern basically very different from others yang mostly memang ditempat...

Gadis Tisu

Setiap satu perkara yang aku lalui dalam hidupku ternyata semua ada pengajaran buatku supaya aku belajar mematangkan diri. Setiap seorang yang aku bertemu yang baik mahupun yang buruk adalah supaya jiwaku lebih kental. Dulu waktu zaman sekolah aku memang dikenali sebagai seorang yang berhati tisu, seorang yang terlalu cepat terasa. Walaupun benda tu takdelah besar mana pun. Aku memang akan terasa to the point that I felt im too tired of myself being like this. Like, adlin awat fikir bukan-bukan, adlin cuba fikir benda postif je, adlin dia tak bermaksud kut nak cakap centu. I tried everytime untuk pujuk hati ni supaya jangan cepat sangat terasa tuh. I’ve tried. Ingat makin meningkat umur, maybe it will gone but no, masih ada. Perasaan ‘terasa’ tu, bukan nak salahkan orang tu tapi rasa salah diri sendiri. Pada awalnya akan rasa salah orang tu, that’s why I will try to avoid or not talking to them sebab takut I will keep on blaming them when in fact its not their fault at all and lepastu ...

result lahaii

Since musim pkp ni rasa so unproduktif yang teramat, dia sampai tak tahu lah nak habaq macam mana rasa dia, tapi centu lah. Start cuti Covid-19 ni UiTM buat ODL ye and this is my first time eh rasa Online Distance Learning (ODL) hahaha. Biasanya dengar ODL ni students degree yang amik. This is actually a really good initiave by the UiTM even rasa macam susah je, ye memang semua orang effect not only the students but also the lecturers and other UiTM staffs too. But ngl this is the best way to keep the learning berjalan. We as a student do our part to keep up the learning momentum and be cooperative as much. Yup, maybe there are times that we feel hopeless and difficult but inshaallah kalau banyak bersabar Allah akan permudahkan urusan semua orang. Praying for the best. So sebenarnya apa cerita ni nak tulis hahahah, memang takde benda pun but just wanna share something yang dah lama terfikir. But before that lah cam bese nak flashback kit. February 14th was the day result sem ...

One and a half

InshaAllah semua dekan lagi sem ni, aamiin yeay, alhamdulillah selesai sudah jihad menjawab final exam harini, penangan paper tarikh tasyri yang paling kritikal memainkan emosi di saat-saat akhir ni, bukan kaleng kaleng hahahaha sekarang tibalah waktunya untuk merempuh masa-masa mereput hahaha tak sangka ye dah habis dah tiga sem kat UiTM begitu je, sungguh cepat masa berlalu dan berbaki hanya setahun je lagi untuk tamat diploma uhuks. cuti sem ni tak lama pun, nanti masuk sem 4 cabaran dia up la sikit. final exam yang dulu selalu empat paper je, tapi sem 4 nanti ada lima paper untuk final, enam kursus satu je takde final exam, haaa sudah nak tanak kita kena kasi onnz jelah! takpe berjihad menuntut ilmu ni sikit je yang penting kena sentiasa ikhlas mengharunginya, barulah Allah akan permudahkannya untuk kita inshaAllah. sentiasa lah bergantung harap kepadaNya, pasti Allah akan membantu kita. setiap perkara yang kita lalui pasti ada hikmahnya walaupun perkara itu benda yang kita t...

Final Mood

So now it's currently 2.00 am in the morning... I don't even know why I'm writing this, I just don't know :) I have three finals coming up, and one paper is done! I know I should be studying right now, but I felt exhausted already, and I can't even sleep, maybe because of the caffeine effect annnnnnnnd I'm gonna have my second paper at 9. So yeah that's it. alhamdulillah for these few days in 2020, not officially 20 yet but for real I'm turning 20 this year. I'm 20!!? Can't imagine it huhu no more teens. I don't know what surprises in 2020 for me but I do hope that it could be an amazing and wonderful journey. I will always pray that my family, my friends, and people that surround me will be living a joyful and blissful life also.  The moon is so beautiful tonight Let's just keep on striving and do our best <3<3 It's a good thing to start 2020 with final exams